Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Finally finished one of the drawings thats been sitting in my visual diary for months. wen i first saw a pic of her i just had to draw her, she's not like the original and i merely placed her into that scene.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


This is my lastest masterpiece... born of feelings of emptiness and inadequacy... been unemployed for 4 months now and its a battle finding my confidence again. went for an interview and it bombed. eye's being the windows to ur soul... the woman in the pic has none, no pupil. and she's naked and vulnerable...


This is something i drew after a very terrifying experience, where i was stranded in a really dodgy suburb, notorious for hi-jackings, gangs, murder, rape and all things bad. I didnt know how to tell anyone how to find me, i didnt even know wot road i was on and at the same time didnt want to endanger anyone dear to me.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

hello darkness my old friend...

This is my all time favourite drawing. I obsessed about this idea in my head for the longest time before attempting to draw it... but once I started I didnt stop. Finished it in one morning and there's alot of black there.

the journey

This is one of my Favourite drawings. Basically : day or night on the road or journey of your life, even when the path has its obsticles you need to keep it together or rather protect yourself from pain. There's a broken heart in the centre, leaking but it's chained and the key is broken in the lock. The blood drips onto the broken road that carries on with no end. Day and night are on either side of the road.

trapped vs protected

This is the 1st of my 'feeling' drawings. There's a baby in the cage, while the bird flies free with a woman looking on. I'm not too sure why I drew the dead rose but it leaves a negative vibe. The baby being protected by the cage probably relates to my own innocence being lost as a child. The rose probably symbolizes the end or death of my childhood... I dont know.

there's nothing there...

This was my second drawing. There's no feeling in this one either, i was drawing for the sake of drawing, i had no inspiration whatsoever, but there it is:
a picture of nothing

just a man...

This was the first of my drawings,
there's no feeling in it because it was
off a photograph of my ex-boyfriend.


Its very esoteric but no feeling there. I believe in the esoteric so this is just a tribute.